
My Answer to "Microsoft Advanced Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting" Puzzler 3

Note: this content originally from http://mygreenpaste.blogspot.com. If you are reading it from some other site, please take the time to visit My Green Paste, Inc. Thank you.

Previously, I had written about the puzzlers on the NTDebugging / Microsoft Advanced Windows Debugging and Troubleshooting blog - specifically, the most recent puzzler which involved reverse engineering some assembler. The answer was posted today - there were a lot of responses, and a lot of correct responses.

I had posted the hashes for my answer (which was correct), that I am now able to disclose...

void myfun( char* param1 )
size_t local1 = strlen( param1 );
for( int local2 = local1; local2 > 0; local2-- )
for( int local3 = 0; local3 < local2 - 1; local3++ )
if( *(param1+local3) > *(param1+local3+1) )
char local4 = *(param1+local3);
*(param1+local3) = *(param1+local3+1);
*(param1+local3+1) = local4;

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