
Ideas For Features / Enhancements to Sysinternals' Process Monitor

I've written about Sysinternals' Process Monitor utility before:

I have had a few months now to work with Process Monitor, and it certainly is amazing. The filtering capabilities are great, and the fact that the filters are not destructive makes slicing and dicing the data many ways quite simple. The ability to capture all of the data that the utility can capture makes it quite powerful, and the ability to get stack traces for each event is extremely useful.

Going off the observation that Process Monitor is currently at version 1.01, and the assumption that the utility will see further development, I have hopes that the following relatively small ideas will be taken into consideration for future releases, and that further discussion and conversation is sparked.

1) Allow for the use of CTRL+C to copy selected data to the clipboard. Some data can be copied in this fashion, but from my experience not much. In many cases, one can right-click and choose "Copy" from the context menu, but that's inconvenient. For example, on Event properties, on the Event tab for a Profiling Interrupt, I can select the User and Kernel times and press CTRL+C, and the data will go to the clipboard. However, if I select the date, the result, or the sequence #, the only way to copy the selection is by using the mouse.

2) Along the same lines, it would be useful to have a "Copy details to clipboard" button on each tab of the Event properties - it would simply grab all of the displayed data and copy it to the clipboard with the click of a button. Or the use of a hotkey accelerator. This would have come in handy on the Stack tab, but there I was at least able to save the data to a CSV file and work with it in that fashion.

3) I would like to be able to sort by each of the columns displayed on Process tab of the Event's properties, in the "DLLs" section. It might also be nice to toggle display of path (this would affect sort as well), or perhaps add another column for just the module name.

4) In Options --> "History Depth", the edit part of the spin control could be a bit wider - there is plenty of room on the dialog...

5) It might be inferred that I prefer to avoid using the mouse. As such, it pains me when there are no hotkeys on a dialog box. I find myself constantly wanting to "ALT+A" to add a filter on the "Process Monitor Filter" dialog, or "ALT+R" to remove, or whatever. Other dialogs, such as Configure Symbols, Select Columns, Show Unique Values, etc, could also benefit from hotkeys. I do love the fact that so many things in the main UI are accessible with the CTRL key - CTRL+L for the filter, CTRL+J for jump to, etc.

For further exploration / discussion:
-- I realize it can be difficult to determine what to do for an implementation of "Jump to" for certain classes - what would one "jump to" for a profiling interrupt, for example? For Process and Thread activity, one might wish to "Jump to" Dependency Walker for "Process Create" and "Load Image" operations. For "Thread Create" and "Thread Exit" events, however, a relevant action is not clear. Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas?

[Note: The spirit of the above was posted by me to the Process Monitor forum on Sysinternals' Forums at "Process Monitor - Feature Requests". Reprinting here with my own permission. Apologies if you've seen this before. I also apologize for my client's rude behavior.]



More on Isolating Shared Services in Windows

Previously (Troubleshooting Performance Issues with Automatic Updates / How to Isolate A Shared Service Hosted by SVCHOST.EXE) I had detailed some steps that one could follow to isolate a shared service hosted by SVCHOST.EXE, in the context of the Windows Update Automatic Updates service. There are a couple of other ways to isolate a shared service, with different implications.

The intention / desire of a service to be "shared" or not is typically indicated when the service is created - the fifth parameter to CreateService is dwServiceType, which for our interests can be, among other things, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS (0x10) or SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS (0x20). Once a service has been created, the dwServiceType setting can be changed by calling ChangeServiceConfig with the appropriate parameters.

Windows XP and Server 2003 ship with a utility program called "SC.exe". (I seem to recall using SC.EXE on NT 4.0, after it was included in some resource kit, but I could be mistaken. The DLL Help Database listing for SC.EXE puts the earliest version as having shipped with Visual Studio .NET 2002.) SC presumably stands for "Service Controller". At any rate, one can use SC to change the configuration of a service, including the "service type" - "shared" or "own". So, using wuauserv - the Windows Update Automatic Updates service - as a guinea pig, one could execute from a CMD prompt:

sc config wuauserv type= own
to cause the service to run in its own process. (The service will need to be restarted for this to happen.) To change it back to a shared service, use the following command:

sc config wuauserv type= share
Note that in both commands, the space after the '=' character is critical. For this change (back to "shared") to take effect, the system will likely need to be rebooted as the "original" SVCHOST group that this service was a part of is already running. This is also the case when un-doing the configuration to make the service run in its own SVCHOST group.

The SC commands above are actually just manipulating the registry - you could make the change directly to achieve the same outcome. The setting in question (again, using wuauserv as a guinea pig) is located at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\Services\wuauserv] - the "Type" REG_DWORD value. The type corresponds to the aforementioned dwServiceType, which can be (for our purposes here) SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS (0x10) or SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS (0x20). To isolate the service, set type to 0x10, and to undo the change, set type back to 0x20 (keeping in mind the restart considerations previously mentioned).

Another thing to keep in mind is the consideration that perhaps a service is not meant to be isolated; those concerns are discussed a wee bit more here.

One subtle difference in techniques is that if you isolate a service into its own SVCHOST group, the command line for the svchost.exe process changes to reflect the group name you speficied when setting up the configuration. However, if you use the SC.EXE / "Type" registry value change technique, the command line for the svchost.exe process remains the same - in the case of wuauserv, the "netsvcs" group is still specified on the command line even though the SVCHOST instance will only be hosting one service.



Unspecified Potential Security Risk! Take 2

Some additional questions have been raised here and elsewhere about what precisely causes the "Unspecified Potential Security Risk" dialog - the one from Internet Explorer that looks like:

Internet Explorer

This page has an unspecified potential security risk.
Would you like to continue?

The dialog is displayed when the setting "Launching applications and unsafe files" is set to "Prompt" for the security zone that Windows / Internet Explorer believes itself to be operating in.

Changing the setting to "Enable" for the specific zone eliminates the dialog, while changing the setting to "Disable" produces a "Security Alert" dialog stating that "Your current security settings do not allow this action."
